Stars – Your Ex-Lover is Dead

A song I’ve liked for quite a while, but recently, have not been able to stop listening to 😉


Frost – Shawna Howson and Tessa Violet

Just another beautiful (poetic) video from the YouTube 😉


ChaoticMonki; Fundraiser; 24 Hour Livestream for Charity

So, one of my favourite YouTubers, ChaoticMonki (or Cry) is holding a 24 hour livestream this Friday starting at 3PM EST at

The event is being held for fundraising purposes, so I just want to spread the word that Cry wishes to raise $5000 for an all children’s hospital. You can make any donations at:

Thanks! 😉

My secret addiction.

Alright, my secret addiction is…. YouTube.

I freakin’ love that place. It started a couple years ago when I started watching the vlogbrothers (I absolutely love John Green’s novels, by the way). Then I started to find other YouTubers I liked through Nerdfighteria and DFTBA, and then I just got sucked into the limitless and diverse database that is YouTube.

So yeah, and in case anyone wants to know, I thought I’d compile a list of the YouTubers I’m subscribed to:

ItsWayPastMyBedTime (Carrie Hope Fletcher) – vlogger and singer/musician

ChaoticMonki (Cry) – let’s plays

charlieissocoollike (Charlie McDonnell) – vlogger and musician/singer

LizzieBennet (The Lizzie Bennet Diaries) – web series

hankgames (Hank Green) – let’s plays

ViHart (Victoria Hart) – art, philosophy, science, mathematics (very creative)

michaelaranda (Michael Aranda) – vlogger and musician

mikefalzone (Mike Falzone) – vlogger and musician

vlogbrothers (John and Hank Green) – vloggers and musician

So yeah. These are the YouTubers/YouTube channels I happily spend time enjoying.